This Morning Routine Will Improve your Mood

Waking up is the hardest.

The alarm sound I have blares like a fog horn, guiding ships back to shore and me back to reality. It’s morning.


Nope is the only word I can muster so early, so dark. I roll back over, dreamily patting myself on the back for giving plenty of time to snooze. I think through how much time I actually need to get ready in the morning and barter with myself. Anything for an extra ten minutes. Three snoozes later and the inevitable has arrived. It’s time to get up.

If you’re anything like me, my morning is spent feeling groggy and grouchy. Here’s a few quick ways to revamp your morning routine and feel revived instead of like road kill. Like the list? Enjoy the pdf version and a free morning routine scheduler here.

This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

  1. Get started the night before.

    Let’s work smarter and not harder, shall we? Put your coffee machine on a timer, make your lunch for the following day, set your clothes out, and compile all the things you’ll need as you run out of the house the next morning.

  2. Don’t hit the snooze button.

    The phrase may hurt me more than it hurts you. Putting your alarm clock across the room and forcing yourself to get up can make things much easier. Set your coffee machine to brew at the same time of the alarm. If you don’t wake up for you, do it for the coffee that’s currently getting cold.

  3. Stay off your phone.

    I know, we all do it. But our morning sets the stage for the day and reaching toward social media can be negative and filled with comparisons, materialism, anxiety, and loneliness.

  4. Surround yourself with things that make you happy to get up.

    Reward yourself by waking up in the morning with things that bring you joy. What a great way to start the day! That could be a warm beverage, turning on the fireplace, going on a back patio, listening to your favorite tunes.

  5. Drink a glass of water.

    Chances are, you haven’t drank anything in hours. Your body will feel groggy if its dehydrated and unfortunately coffee dehydrates. Replenish your body!

  6. Get your body moving.

    Some people swear by hitting the gym at 5 am. That’s FANTASTIC. If that’s not you, have no fear. A 10 minute workout, brisk morning walk, or even stretching can be a good way to wake up those muscles that can help you feel your best.

  7. Take a warm bath or shower.

    It doesn’t have to be a long one, but even rinsing off can help our 5 senses be refreshed and reinvigorated. The warmth is relaxing to your muscles and helps loosen you up for the day.

  8. Spend some time in solace and solitude.

    You can spend your life getting your body ready for the day but it’s the soul that really matters. Your day will be filled with negativity, doubts, anxieties, and distractions. Take this time to center yourself on who God is and who you are. Morning devotionals, prayer time, and worship are the perfect ways to remember who you’re living your day for.

  9. Overview your day and what needs to get done.

    A mark of a successful person is how organized you are. Take some time at the start of the day to reorganize and reorient. Strategize in your calendar how to spend your time that day. Having a game plan helps ease anxiety, which leads to a better mood. Need help strategizing? Click here.


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